Use of sound in a documentary

Sound/music is an important part of the documentary, either in form of commentary or words of the character. Firstly, it is used as the mood enhancer and narrative aid in filmmaking. It can color a scene and intensify an emotional tension, which depends on the audience. The meaning of the Sound/music is transmitted to the […]

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What I want from this studio?

I chose THEY FILM PEOPLE, DON’T THEY as my studio this term. I believe that this studio can teach me a lot about how to make a documentary. To be more specific, we will do series of reading, watching, planning, shooting and editing exercise. Also, we have to address the research question that what types […]

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Task Four: Reflection

In project three, I did an experiment that test whether people are more sensitive to colour or shape. The conclusion was that people are more likely to notice colour in a picture. Look back the pictures I took, I noticed that colour is the main element in most of my pictures so it is nature […]

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Task Four: Portfolio

Portfolio: In project three, I did an experiment that test whether people are more sensitive to colour or shape. The conclusion was that people are more likely to notice colour in a picture. Look back the pictures I took, I noticed that colour is the main element in most of my pictures so it is […]

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Task three: experiments

Experiment one: Recipe: Iphone VSCO app Method: step 1: choose Chinatown as the position I will research on. step 2: I wrote a questionnaire and issue them to my friends —what do you notice first or what is  the most impressive when you look at my photos ( 3 seconds each picture) The result: Person […]

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Pitch Hi, I am Jessie and today I am going to present what I have done and noticed through these three experiments so far. After I finished task two with my partner, I realized the macroscopic objects always attract my attention such as buildings and views without noticing the tiny objects such as numbers, colors […]

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