

Hi, I am Jessie and today I am going to present what I have done and noticed through these three experiments so far. After I finished task two with my partner, I realized the macroscopic objects always attract my attention such as buildings and views without noticing the tiny objects such as numbers, colors and so on, which should be cared about making media. Therefore, I am curious about what others notice first by showing them my pictures at the very beginning of my whole experiments. In order to get this answer, I went to Chinatown and took some photos then I showed them to my friends, most of them noticed the red lanterns and the advertising boards very quickly so that I consider that people are sensitive to color and shapes. I am going to compare with both of them and test which one do people process first. The conclusion is that at least the people around me are more often to describe the color than the shape. To be more specific, I showed them an object with colors and let them tell me the first word come up to their minds. Six of them spoke out the color before they describe the shape and I found that they put their emphasis on their feeling of the colors. It reminds me of how different colors affect people’s emotion and color can change the way people notice in the photo. For the next task, I will still focus on color because our life is full of color and it is a vital element so that it totally worth to develop further. I may explore how colors change people’s emotion and perception ? Can people break the fixed cognitive of colors through media. (Eg: when talking about red, red is usually associated with the meaning of love, passion, desire… What red can represent expect those fixed association? How does color present an opposite meaning than itself?

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