week9 lecture

Week 9 lecture:

During today’s lecture, we had a guest Doctor Rachel Wilson who gave a talk about the idea of collaboration. Collaboration is a piece of work that has been produced as the result of people or groups working together. Media area regards group works as the very vital element. In deed, there are advantages and disadvantages of group work. For example, maybe someone in your group is too reliant and irresponsible to other group members. Therefore, you need to end up doing all the work and that person also gets the same credit for it. The other consideration is that we may meet someone who does not feel comfortable to express opinion. On the contrary, group work can benefit us as well. For instance, working together is able to lessen everyone’s burden because we can share ideas and have someone else to catch and support you when we fall. Additionally, there are some positive characteristics that we need to pay attention:

-Clear objective:that you all know what your goal is , and you are all focused and committed to achieving that

-Clarity: goals clearly established

-Motivating value:all believe in the idea

-Attainability: achievable

-Future potential: room to move and change

-Good communication: an environment where you can honestly express your opinion without fear of ridicule.

In short, we are required to know how to establish a good environment and relationship in our group. It will help us to corporate better and produce a project effectively. Finally, for the rest of lecture, Brain introduced a bit about our PB4 assignment. We are going to produce a 7-8mins audio in groups. It requires us to do research and analyze the argument and so on. I am looking forward to do it.

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