Short Docu

In today’s studio, Seth talked about the idea of capturing Lentara stories through a short doc format to profile them as a web series. Hence, I decided to analyze Lentara’s past videos.   Hanif’s Story  Firstly, the main limitation of this video would be identity…

Global Mood Board

For our group project, I was responsible for the global mood board. I had to research locally, nationally and internationally on other similar not-for-profit organizations and initiatives. Basically, I need a better understanding of the external of the Lentara organization. I came across a few…

Human Centered Design

I got interested in a book that was shared by one of my peers, ‘The Field Guide to Human Centered Designs’ by IDEO. According to the book, no matter what sort of design challenge we face, we will have to go through three main phases….

User Journey Map

In today’s class, the ‘clothing bin’ group presented their research findings in class. I noticed that their research document was very interesting as they used really good visual support and layout for the document. One of the most interesting that I have learned through their…

A Fluid Document

In my past 2 years of coursework, I have never come across the word ‘return brief’. Return brief is a one-page summary of experience. It is statement of what we believe your client is about, what their project is about, what their objective and communication…

The Research Space

To me researching was always about having a notebook to take down all the information about a certain subject or place. During my summer internship back in my home country, I was in charge of scriptwriting and editing for a new production show. Hence, whenever…

Key Questions > Output

In today’s workshop, our lecturer assigned us to our respective group based on our chosen preferences. My group will be working on the asylum housing mix and we have a fairly great balance of communication design and media students. Initially, either than visiting the care…

Wicked Problems

I have come across the term ‘Wicked Problems’ during the last semester in one of my course subject, Interdisciplinary Communication Project. A wicked problem is a complex issue, something not potentially solvable but will provide an insight to the issue. Some of the wicked problems…

Introduction to Lentara

On our second workshop, we had Jeff, Lentara’ representative to further explain to us about Lentara as a non-profit organization. Through Jeff’s presentation, I came to a better understanding of Lentara’s aim, objectives, services offered and people that were involved. I realized how important our…

Similarities and Differences

Today, I attended my first workshop for my chosen Media 3 studio, called Lentara. I was told that this would be a cross-disciplinary media studio with the communication design students. Honestly, as a Professional Communication student, I do not know much about communication design. The…