Brainstorming Sketch Models

Today, we gathered and brainstormed in detail on the sketch models for our project brief 3 and managed to come up with a few interesting ideas.


Idea: It will be an interactive digital storytelling platform that features art work by the asylum seekers from Lentara. It could possibly have videos of staff and donors that are willing to be on camera. We also thought of have audio piece underneath the artworks.
Positive: The platform allows them to tell their story, could be split up into different sections, they are always getting new artwork
Downside: It won’t be full stories but will be sides of the story
Challenges: The Scale might be a problem as to make it actionable at the end and trying to relate it fully to the ASP not just all the refugees they helped.


Idea: Social Media Campaign- integrating a plan to build up their support
with the hashtag of #WhatisHome #Lentara
What is home to me?
– have an outline of what to post, a photo or write and hashtag, they should have examples to follow, like celebrities, advocates, staff
i) Ask the public on Lentara and ASP supporters, in general broadening their audience on social media (Re-post that on Facebook)
ii) Start integrating information about ASP (uniqueness) – What is the What is Home Campaign? What do we do? – could be an informational video
– Ask staff and Mohammed, Jeff – What is home to them?
– People been in the houses (Quotes and photos)
iii) Call to action plan– what do we want them to do from here on out?
– Volunteer – refined on how you can volunteer
– Donate
– House

3.We thought of a mini documentary for the 3rd idea, however, we are still yet to finalise it.