Public Interviews & Role


Today we begin filming interviews for our #whatishome social media campaign. It was an indeed interesting experience as each person gave really different answers to the questions that we prepared. It would be an easier job for post-production as we would not need worry about limited content.

Below are some of the questions for the interview.
1. What is a home?
2. What does home mean to YOU?
3. What would it mean to you to not have a home?
5. Have you ever been away from home? OR How long have you been away from home for?
5. Have you ever had to leave your home? How did that make you feel?
5. Have you ever moved home? What was that like?
5. What would you miss most about home? (Homesickness)
6. What makes you feel at home?
7. What does home feel like?
7. Where do you call home?
8. Where did you grow up? Is that home?
9. What reminds you of home?
10. Is there a difference between a home and a house? If so what?
11. Describe what homes means to you in 3 words


I was in charged of audio in today’s interview production shoot. I used the ZOOM H4n Handy Recorder and we also book the boom mic just incase. It both came in really handy as we needed the boom mic when two of our interview subject were sisters and they want to be filmed together. Although we experienced quite a lot of disturbance at our first and second locations as there was construction and also the main road was just nearby, we immediately move on to backup locations that Matt had scouted along Carlton.