Final Client Presentation

Today, we presented our refined prototypes to Lentara which consisted of our social media campaign, website mockup and three videos. They suggested that videos just need a little twig to able to convey the message of ‘Help us build homes’. They said that we did a…

Feedback from Seth

This is the feedback from seth after sending him our refine prototypes from week 11 client presentation. Looking at this video attached – I would aim to produce 3 short clips from this work as part of creating a campaign of several videos – all…

Refining Prototype

Today, my group met up at the editing suites and decided to refine our final prototypes. Jenny and me were in charge of the social media campaign. We started looking back at our social media campaign goals, strategy and key messages to make sure it…

Week 11 Presentation

Today, we presented our prototypes to Lentara to get feedback before the final presentation of our prototypes in Week 12. We presented our social media campaign timeline, website mock up, posters and three videos which consist of vox pop interviews, interview with caseworker from Lentara…

Refining Prototype Plan

In today’s workshop, we were given large papers and color pens to work out on refining our prototype plans. Deliverables VIDEO  Mimo: Release forms for Tuesday. Interview questions for caseworkers Steph: Interview questions, email donors Matt: Filming more B-roll and editing together campaign launch video…

Public Interviews & Role

Today we begin filming interviews for our #whatishome social media campaign. It was an indeed interesting experience as each person gave really different answers to the questions that we prepared. It would be an easier job for post-production as we would not need worry about…

Location Scouting

Matt and Mimo went for location scouting at Carlton and Brunswick individually for our interviews that are to be conducted next week. They both photographed different housing styles that they think are suitable for our concept and are visually attractive for the audience as well….


Matt who was in charge of video storyboards came up with a really interesting method of storyboarding. I’ve only done storyboarding on A4 template through handwritten descriptions and hand drawn visuals. Matt began storyboarding by printing out general and outdoor pictures of home/houses. Then he…