Global Mood Board

For our group project, I was responsible for the global mood board. I had to research locally, nationally and internationally on other similar not-for-profit organizations and initiatives. Basically, I need a better understanding of the external of the Lentara organization. I came across a few interesting organizations and initiatives that might contribute to our final project outcome.


Simple Love Project

The name of this project explains it all, a simple way to express love to asylum seekers. I would say that this is one of the most simplest, easiest and convenient projects for people to participate in.

  1. Contact us to sign up to an available month and we’ll let you know which charity & items are needed most
  2. The SL team will send you an info pack with instructions, food lists, and basic advertising material for your service
  3. The fun part! It’s up to you to run the collection at your church over 3 weeks collecting as much food as you can!
  4. The SL team will check in with you & then it’s time to deliver the donated items to the assigned charity


The Refugee Art Project

This organization facilitates art and self-expression of asylum seekers and refugees. Their arts are presented to the public through exhibitions and publications. Their main objective is to challenge and educate the wider community. The initiative of this project is brilliant as academics and artists work together to teach asylum seekers and refugees to create an ART that tells their own story.


Art provides an important means of self-expression for asylum seekers and refugees in detention. In art they are able to convey very personal themes that they may otherwise find difficult to put into words, which can be one step towards the reconciliation of past traumas. Art-making also provides a useful means of relaxation, as one becomes absorbed in the activity. – The Refugee Art Project