Course Reflection

I’ve always known that I wanted to do a media course like the way you know about a good melon. Before starting the course I thought that I’d be super behind and unprepared for everything that was about to come, but that was more to do with pre- uni jitters. As it turns out, I was only half right. Yay! I’ve gained a lot more insight now but in doing so I’ve realised that there is so much more to learn than I could have understood before hand.

This course has helped me immensely in finding more things that I am interested in. Blogging (somewhat) consistently has encouraged me to look out for how my studies can apply to real life when I’m taking in media around me.

In this post I closely observed people actively consuming media in front of me. I didn’t try to interact with anyone, I just quietly observed.

Then after a few weeks I become more confident in blogging and went out to seek things to write about.


In the past I’ve had a serious problem with getting my work out because of my fear of criticism. But with the blogging process I’ve been gradually more comfortable with sharing ideas and opinions. Getting feedback is hard sometimes but I knew I’d have to face these hurdles if I wanted to “follow my passion” and become a media practitioner.

This first ever blog where I was able to explicitly express a strong opinion of mine was  about feminism and why it has received such a bad name. I felt quite snazzy after that post and it lead me on to a stream of other posts. That post got me thinking about why the internet is so effective in spreading the word about movements and exposing initially “radical” opinions.

After talking about the irrelevance of accuracy and how bias will always exist, I’ve felt like I’ve become more free in creating media stuff. This post was what a lot of my work stemmed from afterwards, as I now had the idea that all perspectives are worth expressing, even if its for the sake of diversity. Growing up I was told a lot of thing that I don’t dare to believe now; many of which are to do with sexuality and gender. I have friends and family members who strongly disagree with my rather left wing approach. That’s why I really wanted to created something that I really believe in for PB3.

Having something I’d worked on myself shown in class was the most daunting thing to me. But everyone was very respectful and positive, especially when giving feedback. Although it may not seem like much, the feedback  process was a huge step forward for me in my professionalism and helped my improve my ability to give and receive constructive criticism. For the first time I felt like I could watch my own work and pick out parts to improve on without being touchy. The experience of making content that had an effect on an audience member has encouraged me to want to make more.

wk 7 feedback

My weakest point by far would have to be keeping up to date with readings and understand complex concepts. At the beginning from week 1-4 I thought that I could get away with not doing the readings as no one was checking up on me. But then I realised that by missing out on readings I was missing out on understanding the so called “fun stuff” too. After receiving an inadequate grade for my reading blogs I thought it was time for a change..

wk 9 Audience and Influence

Working in a group for our last project was helped me see what I might be doing in the future. The great thing about the media industry from what I can see is that you get to work with people all the time so I’ll eventually shake off my hermit tendencies. But on the flip  side Rachel said in our lectorial that:

“You don’t have to be an extrovert”

This shattered my view of being a good communicator as the persona of a excellent team mate to me was, in my head, a confident, outspoken leader. Going over the importance of work ethic and how to be a good team member for the first time helped me realise that I have traits that I’ve probably overlooked and I also have things to improve on. Some times that stuck with me are here:

Tips from Lectorial internship


Looking through my old blog posts has bad me realise that I’ve already begun my process improving my work, but I have a lot to work on. This semester has gone by too fast and I feel like I haven’t done enough reflecting and analysis of my own work.

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