
I have a new favourite Disney film. It was a an thrilling mix of adventure, mystery and comedy!

I was initially reluctant again to see another crazed disney film after all the hype about Tangled and Frozen; I barely cracked at the smile at the teaser skit with the sloths because I was so determined to not get sucked in.

But as it turns out: Disney has wooed me again with its charming animation and heartfelt story.

..and not to mention I’m so glad they finally represented a good friendship between a male and female lead rather than opting for than opting for romance. The different realms within Zootopia where breathtaking (my favourites were the city and jungle) and the animation was so vibrant.

I felt that I could really relate to the bunny as she grew up being told not to follow her dreams and take the safe option; that to me was doing media. (should have taken the financially secure option of accounting or business apparently) As she was repeatedly told she was too small, too optimistic and too emotional I sat at the edge of my seat thinking I CAN RELATE!

On a deeper note, I really enjoyed the subtext about humans and how we should all learn to live with our differences. There should be no more ‘us’ and ‘them’. Fear caused by a lack of empathy and understanding can be toxic in a society fuelled by expectation and reputation.


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