Margot vs Lily

The new nike web series caught my attention because I thought it was quite innovative. They are combining traditional advertising with youtube series styled episodes. Usually I judge videos by how many views and how many likes/dislikes there are so I’d have to say that the series is quite cheesy but surprisingly successful. The series is just a huge ad with a story! On Master Chef the product placement is the driver for the show and sponsors go wild while the show tries to make the close up on Glad-wrap seem normal. So, it is interesting to see the opposite where the show is blatantly based around one product: Nike. I thought that people would hate to feel tricked or sucked into this kind of advertising, but the majority don’t care and are happy to enjoy free entertainment online. Nike is such a well-liked brand; selling fitness and happiness that viewers are glad to be a part of it. How long will it be before mainstream shows are all just coverups for selling stuff or maybe it has already happened.


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