“Text” is the topic for my group work. The very first thing popped up in my mind was readings before going to. Then a loads of processes that I have to go through when it comes to academic reading: skimming, scanning, note taking and so on followed. “But wait a minute, I’m doing Media so ‘Text ‘cannot be that narrow. Alan Mckee (2003) says: “Texts are the material traces that are left of the practice of sense making – the only empirical evidence we have of how other people make sense of the world”. Ah ha, to make it simple, in media concept, ‘text’ is what comes to our eyes and interpreted by our brain and experience. The question is, as Media future practitioner, how do I read a ‘text’ effectively? Is it how we see and how we feel?
In today lecture, Brian Morris talked about ‘ The semiotic of tradition analysis’ which is a method of how to ‘read’ a ‘text’. At first, it was hard for me , but somehow I got it after the family picture. I find it very useful when I have to analyse a ‘Text’ in a technical way, not in an emotional way. Personally, I think emotion or feeling is the core to remind consumers of what they ‘read’. In general, I believe that to successfully ‘read’ a ‘Text’, we need our eyes to capture it, our brain to analyse every element of it and our heart to feel it.
“Texts are the material traces that are left of the practice of sense making – the only empirical evidence we have of how other people make sense of the world”
_ Alan Mckee (2003), Textual analysis: A beginner’s guide, p.19