My first attempt at an experiment was to almost simply put together the best parts of my first shoot as a scene that I can breakdown and analyse. My initial research question was ‘If I was to recreate the scene/situation I wrote and saw from Project Brief 3, can I find the moments, aspects and elements that stood out to me and evoked such an emotional response from me?’ Well once I put the visuals together I found that I didn’t have a proper soundtrack in mind. So I thought to cut in the different interesting sound bites from the vox pops together in the video and see how that changed what was in the scene. In a sense that does stem away from the research question, since the question is to recreate the scene that I wrote. However the difference between theory and practice of filmmaking is you can’t always account for everything in preparation, such as the setting changes I had, as well as the other elements like soundtrack (my Vox pops) that gave me an emotional response that I was looking for. It’s this idea that influenced my thesis response to the research question, Isolation and feeling out of place can come in many forms, with many ways to approach and deal with it. Emotions evoked by these situations can be greatly influenced by perspective, while also being manipulated by technical aspects of filmmaking. When looking at this first experiment I see that my emotions came from my own perspective when I look at the seen visually at its surface. But when I edit colour, the shot types and sound bites of the Vox pops, the scene can be altered and evoke different emotions and make it more universal to an audience that may or may not be able to relate to the scenario. Though the sound does need work it’s the Vox pops that i feel do the most in the scene, conveying the visuals on the screen as one of many stories on the topic of isolation or being out of place. I tried some shots of the surrounding that could be seen by the ‘character’, some familiar and unfamiliar, that I got from watching films like The Water Diviner. Though I felt it was effective, it was not a stand out element of the experiment that I thought it might be. I look forward to my next shoot to further explore my research question and possibly alter my initial thesis.