After several different experiments, including a fourth and final one, I have come to the end of this project. My final experiment, mashing up almost all of the prior experiments in different ways, demonstrating the way in which I can/have… Continue Reading →
Collaboration is something that in a university course can be very much a mixed bag. However during film 3 I’ve come away with a positive outtake, as those who I got a chance to work with, we’re all helpful and… Continue Reading →
With the majority of my filming done I’ve spent most of my time in the edit suites working on experiments and piecing my footage together in different ways. I’ve been doing this to see if my reactions, emotions or impressions… Continue Reading →
Now into week 11 the overall project is beginning to take some sort of shape, with my research question and now thesis continuing to develop from the results of my filming and editing. The projects development has continued greatly with… Continue Reading →
Finally I found the location I needed for the waiting room scene shoot, as well as being better prepared myself. The location was more open and suitable, looking actually like it could be a waiting room where we set up… Continue Reading →
So after the first shoot’s mishaps, editing and fixes I looked forward to a second shoot to try new things, new setting and seeing what I could work with. However it did not turn out as I had planned at… Continue Reading →
My first attempt at an experiment was to almost simply put together the best parts of my first shoot as a scene that I can breakdown and analyse. My initial research question was ‘If I was to recreate the scene/situation… Continue Reading →
Getting a chance to look back on the first shoot’s material and results had me a little nervous, as I had not had the chance to properly look back at my footage. My heart sunk when I looked back at… Continue Reading →
The first day of shooting for the project has not come without some complications, changes and challenges. To start with, in preparation for the first shoot I wanted to film on a train, to fully recreate the scene I wrote…. Continue Reading →
The preparation for this final project has been going on for weeks now, with writing and research tasks. I began with a real world situation, where I saw a man on a train reading a basic English grammar book. Which… Continue Reading →
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