Media is EVERYWHERE! Seriously everywhere. After being given the task to look at our surroundings at QV today, and take in all the media which is surrounding as all the time, almost drowning us when you look at it. But what do I mean by media specifically, well, it’s hard to narrow it down. It is so many things, from basic advertising for stores, businesses or products. To the technology we are surrounded by, a building’s architecture that stands out, artwork on everyday things and news/entertainment media. It’s the things we see everyday but don’t realise or recognise that it is all related back to media which effects us each and every day. 

Noticing Media is actually daunting, I mean until you look at it, you don’t realise that in a City like Melbourne you can’t look anywhere without seeing it. Even looking up in the sky I saw a blimp advertisement! But it actually made me think, that since we don’t all realise how bombarded  we are by media, how effective is certain media. For example, with advertising all around us, how effective has it become since we seemingly barely notice it anymore? Its something to think about I guess.

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