During this weeks Prac I had a chance to further develop my concept for Project Brief 2, while also finding the substance that can make up the rest of the piece. Last week my biggest issue was finding a concept which could link all of my elements together to make a single, concise video. Now I’ve had a chance to think and continue to grow the idea. The ‘Road’ will act as the skeleton visual for the video, guiding the audio which will be myself reading my project brief 1 written element. The substance the comes into it are the things that have majorly effected me throughout my life. My friends & family, films that have inspired me, travels and things of that nature. While also leading people to understand the many emotions involved in the video, including my doubts, which I can visualise with shots of black, that have left the ‘road’ behind with no direction for me to travel. The video still has a ways to go, but I feel the idea is on track and will be ready in due time.