Augmenting Creativity #Blog 9

This week, we had a chance to share our thoughts and experiences about working with generative AI and the key ideas of these tools. At first, I thought this assignment would be fast to do until I started to do it. I got stuck when it came to the point “What is my key idea about AI”, I spent sometimes to scanning through all the slides from the first week to finally realize that, AI is more than just a tool to use, it is more like a companion to creators or artists, by inform it our ideas, it will visualize and generate new possibilities to finish their works. I agree with most of the people who said that it was challenging to work with AI. Personally, I struggled a lot at generating media. Many times I feel confused and get tired of these tools, especially when the results do not match my vision, or even the first frame of the results comes out perfect, but just a few seconds later, it transforms into a super chaotic video, forcing me to re-prompt and generate over and over again. For this assignment, I tried to insert the media that I had generated in the past to help viewers understand what I had been through, I also inserted some scenes of the videos on YouTube, to show what I wanted to do for my final assignment. After the presentation, I was given some feedback to help me gather all the ideas and do better on my final assignment.
On Wednesday, we had a special guest coming, Professor McCosker. We discussed our experiences with AI generative tools. It was super informative as I learned more about different tools and how to use them properly.
There was a motorcycle advertisement in Vietnam that was published a few years ago I was really fascinated by its special effects, such as the “Tetris building or the “color pathway”, I tried to generate it by RunWayML, even though it did not look exactly the same as in the video, but it still great and the result came out the way I did not expected, and I think that’s the great thing about AI.


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