Week 10

In Week 10, We discussed a lot about the relationship between scenes. Looking at how the process of decoupage is relevant when discussing how scenes connect with each other. This is definitely a concept that applies to films as a whole but we specifically discussed the relationship between the first and the last shot of back to back scenes. Little things like how shots cut together from scene to scene can have a big impact on audiences viewing experience.

In reflection of our discussion, I feel like I’ve built on my existing knowledge that there is a lot of thinking going on when directing. Of course, I already knew this, but I think as we continue to discuss and reflect in this course, I continue to realise the profound amount of attention to detail that goes into creating a film. Every little thing is worthy of consideration. Every Cut, Every Frame size, everything inside the frame deserves consideration because it all can convey meaning and emotion.

Of course, there are levels to this, and some things definitely convey more meaning than others. However, a lot of little, seemingly meaningless things can collectively convey a lot of meaning. Take the objects on a character’s desk, on their own might seem meaningless but together you can get a comprehensive understanding of who the character is. A messy teenager, a clean freak etc. And I think that’s what makes a good director, it’s the ultimate consideration of everything and how everything relates to each other, that generates a well-rounded film.

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