Experiment 1 – Reflection

In this task we went for a purely experimentational route. Aiming to truly understand the fundamentals of creating “the perfect silhouette”. We decided to experiment with several slightly different lighting setups to investigate which combination of variables achieved a desired effect. Ultimately aiming to create a silhouette with no detail, well defined edges and a correctly exposed background. We went and shot 20 different variations of our setups in the hope to narrow it down to a selected 5 shots that we thought could be discussed and achieved our initial aim. 

We chose shot 1 because it was our simplest lighting setup that created our desired effect. We had a keylight directed at the wall behind me and a backlight intended to define the edges of the silhouette shape. In this shot we narrowed the backlight from Wide to Tight and you can see some detail in the subject’s clothes disappear. What I learnt from this shot was that to control the amount of light wrapping around the front of the subject, narrowing the beam of the backlight had a significant effect on this. ( See link below for details).

We chose shot 2 because it acted as the next evolution to shot 1. We added to our existing light setup with two dedo’s angled towards our subject from behind at a 45 degree angle. Through this change we hoped to add an edge of light around the subject. I liked how the addition of these lights shaped the subjects facial features without revealing the details of the face itslef. ( See link below for details).

We chose Shots 3 and 4 because they also provided another evolution to our silhouette. We added another subject into the shot and correctly lit and exposed for his skin tone. This meant we had to increase the amount of light into the camera which had a flow on effect in exposing more of our silhouetted subject. So to fight this we had to introduce cutters to the scene to stop the spill of extra light reaching our silhouette. What I learnt from these two shots was the ability to control existing light without changing the light itself. ( See link below for details).

Finally, in shot 5 we added to our existing setup with two dedo’s facing the subject at a 45 degree angle from behind. Similar to that on shot 2. I thought this shot was less successful as the highlights on the edge lose a lot of detail as they are over exposed. The Dedo also catches Terrance’s shoulder which was an undesired effect. ( See link below for details).

Overall, This experiment provided me with a finer grasp on the tools and set up required to create a silhouette. Giving me a deeper understanding of everything that goes into creating the desired effect while being able to incorporate it into cinematic situations.

Video Piece – https://drive.google.com/open?id=1TXKonXFRsRzoavJEmJTndOOtWsBwoYke


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