#1 Reflection – Class 16

Today, In our 16th class we attempted to create a scene in which a man moves from his bookcase to his desk before seeing a ghost in front of him. To start the workshop off we assigned actors and some primary crew before blocking the scene. Once we had blocked we started to think about how we were going to light it. Initially we turned off all the lights and used the desk lamp available to see what that looked like without any extras. Now both the director, Robin, and the crew liked the look of this set up on the subject yet the lamp head was completely overexposed and detailess. To change this we decided to use the dimmer on the lamp to bring down the brightness but this in turn left our subject too dark. So we had to incorporate another light source out of the shot that had to look like it was coming from the lamp head. After the use of 2 cutters, a 2k fresnel and white bounce card we were able to get this result ( see photo below). Not perfect by any means but it’s almost there. The lighting on the book doesn’t match the intensity to that of the subjects jacket. There is also some unusual spill reflecting onto the table from the left of the subject. Yet due to time constraints we were forced to move onto the next shot which was also rushed. 

Ultimately, doing exercises like these is very useful. Learning how to problem solve and understanding how to control the lighting variables within a scene will be extremely beneficial for our future careers. Knowing that we don’t have to be content with mediocre lighting because we know how to fix these issues is fundamentally what this course seems to be about. 

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