Prior to the rough cut critique session, my group and I were able to compile most of our footage together along with some voice recordings in response to our overall theme of affection. Using sound in video in my opinion is my weakest area so being able to get feedback related to audio as a key concern from Hannah as well as the class and my group members helped a lot. Class feedback related to this topic was to refine the sound design and to think about including background sounds initially was mentioned to fill areas of silence as well as a way to create a more immersive experience when viewing the video. But at the same time the moments of silence between each audio piece was also seen as a positive as it created space between the thoughts of affection as it gave the audience time to think about what was said.
For a coherent and balanced structure and randomness, a tip mentioned was to have the voice overs come earlier and to even be placed over the prompts and quotes. I thought this was a great idea to display various perspectives simultaneously as to what affection is to different people through speech and text. This also aligned with the question and tips to how our group can go about thinking of the poetic nature of our video being sounds mixed together and overlapping voices as a suggestion of an audio technique to implement. Eventually this idea led to having voice overs being placed over one another with one of the voice recording layers being made to sound like it is at a distance but can be noticed but not heard easily. Then as the video progresses, the use of sound can create a pattern triggered from a sense of familiarity in wondering about similar sounds heard before.
Also the idea of progressive overlays was applied in making improvements to how our visual collages were presented where each type of affection has their own animated collage. My group also decided to place these animated collages in the end where there would be multiple snippets of videos acting as the exploding list of multiple perspectives of affection with multiple voice messages being laid over each other to accompany the videos. As well having balancing in the structure of consistent use of visual and audio patterns, a chaotic ending where many videos are shown could potentially end the video well as it brought in the infinite list giving the audience a wide visual of the different ways affection is expressed and letting them contemplate the types of affection they have experienced or can think of related to the mundane.