Week 2:A photographic collection of like-objects or like-subjects

A COLLECTION OF LIKE OBJECTS – “Melbournians and their phones”


This photo collection consists of people using their phone’s on the streets of Melbourne City. Despite this common theme and similarity, each photo displays different contexts and gives insight to their lifestyle or a part of their day.  

In one of the photos I captured a mother talking on her phone whilst carrying her children. This stood out to me as she herself has her hands very full with not just talking on the phone but also pushing the pram with her child inside as well as carrying her child strapped to the front. Many bags from the one she is carrying to the ones inside and hanging off the pram indicate the amount of preparation a mother has to do and be well aware of to know what to bring when going out with young children. The mother’s attentiveness and caring instinct is displayed for her child in the pram by pulling down the shade to protect the child from the harsh afternoon sun.  

In the far background at the end of the alleyway there are cars going away from the city as they are done with their work for the day. Even to the side in a bar, a head can be seen which may convey this is the time for an after work drink for that person. However, for a parent taking care of young children, their work is not done as they have to take care of their child and be very skilled at multitasking in between.








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