considering the final artefact

If I were to continue and develop and keep working on my media piece, a core aspect that I would have liked to work on more was having shots which cover and show Melbourne’s breaking/breakdance community as Fauntine mentioned in her introduction. These shots I imagine would have Fauntine interacting and practising with the other dancers at a competition or the local practice spot. Using more extreme close ups when Fauntine or other breakers were doing particular movements would also pair well with this aspect in putting the viewers into the perspective of as if they were in this community and there with Fauntine being in this environment as well showcasing Melbourne and also Australia’s breaking scene. These shots would also link well to areas that I had in the interview which did not make the edit where Fauntine told certain events she had been and invited too which means a lot to her and she felt proud of her achievements as a bgirl (female breaker). Having Fauntine and visually elaborating more on Melbourne’s breaking community would also paint a picture to create a better understanding of it if it were to be shown to a wider audience such as at a festival.

Another area that I thought that could have been extended further on was the training regiment of what Fauntine does when she practises, especially for competitions to show her focus and discipline in working hard. This area could also have Fauntine explaining and reflecting on areas of the dance she feels the strongest in but also the weakest in and what she is doing to progress.  Extending this area can make the documentary more relatable and create a connection for people who are enthusiastic about a sport or physical activity of their interest where they may have a similar mindset to how they practise.

If I were to develop my documentary into a different kind of work, a possibility could be Fauntine’s  relationship with the breaking community like I mentioned earlier. With this idea, a good closing segment to end the documentary I picture would be showing and getting Fauntine to talk about her non profit organisation that supports dancers and artists which she made with her friend who she met through dance. Having this aspect would nicely conclude how Fauntine is not only thriving in her breaking career but also has found an avenue in giving back to the community.

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