Week 3 (3-6 shot exercise)
I was really pleased with the end result for this shoot. I managed to find a good location to shoot the scene. We shot from the roof of one of the buildings and had the city as our background. I felt that the choreography could have been slightly tighter, however, we did the best we could in the space. We were very worried that the scene would be over exposed, however, the cameraman did a very good job at the white balance. The end is a little bit weird and doesn’t make much sense, however, I like the transition from the two subjects in medium close up facing each other, to the two close ups of the subjects. One swishing the tissue in front of the camera as if it is the subject, and the other with the tissue swishing on the girls face.
I liked this exercise and working in a good space can really help make your shot look amazing. I think also that we didn’t do as well as we could haveĀ because we had such an amazing location to shoot as. We weren’t as concerned with how to make it look amazing because we had the background supporting us.