Week 11 Reflection

Penelope brought the footage of her grandmother to the suites this week, which looked fantastic and is a nice contrast to the footage of Max. Penelope did a great job of filming her grandmother in such a way that it does not even remotely seem staged and her grandmother hardly appears aware of the camera’s presence. While it is a very different composition and subject to the footage of Max, the feel and concentration appears very much the same, which has me confident that the film will feel consistent.

Penelope had also asked her brother to be interviewed on the topic, and it just so happened that he resonated with the film’s content and had written a poem about it. Penelope recorded him reciting the poem – it’s stunning. The poem is beautifully written and articulates how I picture the film in ways I couldn’t have written myself. His voice is perfect for it as well and I am stoked to be able to include it as part of the film. At this point we are planning on introducing the poem as the intro to the film and maybe having it run as a motif throughout (Penelope might ask her brother to write a little more and flesh it out a bit).

I’m yet to record Katherine as I haven’t teed up a time with her but having these new elements makes it easier for me to approach the filming with her and will establish further consistency. After feeling a little overwhelmed by the approaching due date throughout the week, I am now looking forward to producing more and seeing how everything comes together.

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