Finding the Site

Yesterday I met with Daniel and Georgia for the first time to discuss our ideas heading into the next assignment. Unpacking the concepts of Place, Placeness and Placelessness, we agreed that The Tote in Collingwood is representative of each of these ideas and worth investigating.

We discussed how The Tote is a place of ritual for many, whether it be as a place to gather and drink or to discover new music and support the underground rock and experimental music scene. Doing a little research reminded me of its fairly recent closure in 2010, which prompted a massive uproar in the form of the Save Live Music rallies – a response that saved the venue and has kept it up and running to this day. Clearly this venue is cherished and has a story within its walls.

I have been to The Tote many times, even performing there on numerous occasions, so I am quite familiar of its energy within the live music context. For this assignment we are hoping to gain access to the venue during the day to document its bare presence, stripped of occupants, buzz and music. I am hopeful that we will have this opportunity and fascinated even at the thought of how different the feeling of being at The Tote at this time would be.

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