Project Brief 3 Presentation (TGBEH)

On Tuesday this week we were given time to work on our third project brief: a pitch of the music video to Rohan and his friend/colleague Georgia Fields, a talented singer-songwriter who would serve as a completely fresh set of eyes and ears to our concepts. This for us meant a perfect opportunity to fine tune the details of the video and ensure that we were all on the same page.

We used this time really effectively and were able to structure our idea well by putting it into words. Today we met in the morning and polished the presentation, putting the slideshow together and assigning different areas to each speak about. It allowed us to clearly define the video in parts, ultimately making it a task easier to tackle.

Georgia and Rohan responded well to the presentation and idea. They agreed that the approach was a good match to the song and suggested that we try to branch out with the materials used so that the effect doesn’t become tiresome by the end of the song. This gave us some thoughts about what else we could include, and we began talking about more use of stop motion.

This project brief didn’t at any point really feel like an assessment or a necessity, but rather an opportunity for us to organise ourselves and reach a mutual understanding so I feel that it was a pretty important step in the process.

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