Reflective Portfolio // FIVE BLOG POSTS

Allow me to take you on a journey through what I think are five blog posts that pretty accurately depict the highlights of my experience in the course this semester.

Week 1 Connections — The Nature of Blogging
In this connections post I think I articulate my introduction to the world of blogging pretty damn well. I consider not only what blogging means to me, but where it slots into the world of media and how it is significant in its own right as a very human-based medium.

Week 2 Connections — Noticing Media
Here I apply the art of noticing media to my own petty, material-ridden existence. What I find interesting about this post is the fact that as I wrote it I genuinely became increasingly aware of my media consumption, which I feel is translated through the post.

Week 5 Lectorial — Introduction to PB#3
I felt it was important to include this post as it most accurately reflects an initial idea I stuck to and feel that I executed to a fairly successful degree. I began to conceptualise how I could go about producing the third project brief and it’s interesting to see how much of the initial concept was, in fact, reflected in the final piece.

Week 4 Lectorial — Editing / Blood in the Gutter
This was a great lectorial that communicated ideas really well to me and that I think I responded strongly to. The discussion surrounding the nature of the edit was really clearly expressed and, as a result, I felt the need to really clearly reflect on these ideas. Not to mention the reading was awesome.

Week 8 Practical — PB#4 Brainstorming
I feel that this post depicts the excitement and buzz surrounding this assignment that I began to experience from the early stages of putting it together. I really enjoyed the whole process of the fourth project brief and this was one of the highlight creative and collaborative moments for me.


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