Project Brief #4 + Reflection

Aaaaand here it is folks, proud to present Yield’s Tin Llama’s debut podcasting endeavour! Laughs were had. Some serious thoughts sometimes as well.

I have to say that I was damn near blessed with my assigned group for the task. Matched with the great, keen minds of Daniel Bowden and Sally Lewis, the three of us delved into introductory discussion and uncovered a like fascination with sound and film, making it extremely breezy to gel into a group dynamic. We were assigned the topic of ‘mediums’, which admittedly was puzzling at first, but nevertheless we chiseled away at what we thought this could be prompting us to explore. Quite early in the collaboration we decided that our shared interest in audio could make for a neat podcast – I admittedly had not had any prior experience in the production of podcasts nor had I particularly lent my ear to many at all but I was nevertheless intrigued and excited at the prospect of putting one together.

After a chat over a drink with Dan running off the work of the great Marshall McLuhan surrounding the “message” that exists within the medium, we began to develop a premise revolving around the idea of mediums changing over time, the effects this has had on society and the necessity for us to adapt to these changes, which ultimately guided our entire creative process. Establishing such a strong premise so early in the process proved to be extremely useful as we each knew what to steer ideas towards. I began to get quite excited about the project and took to putting pen to paper and roughly conceptualising some ideas in the form of streams of consciousness, which would later take shape as a decent whack of content in the final piece.

Praise be to Sal, who well and truly got the ball rolling and smashed out a great deal of initial content that came together as the opening content to the podcast. Once this had been produced, I think we all began to really see the direction the project it was taking and all began heavily contributing. What I’m particularly appreciative of is the fact that each meeting we had were genuinely exceptionally interesting – I looked forward to each one and was always inspired to produce something immediately afterwards. At no point did this assignment feel like a chore or a dull necessity, it was seriously awesome collaboration at its finest.

While we did work efficiently and cooperatively throughout the process, our avid eagerness did lead to some minor issues. Many of the ideas and references we intended to include in the podcast proved to push the project too far over the rough 15 minute restriction that we put to it with Jasmine and the class. This led to us unfortunately excluding mention of the likes of Trevor Cox and Rupert Till, who offered wonderful insight into ancient communicative mediums, which we intended to reference at the beginning of the timeline of our podcast. Equally disappointing was the fact that, due to necessary omissions and time constraints, we made no mention of the great Marshall McLuhan himself, yet did refer to his theories regarding “the medium is the message”. While the inclusion of these references would have been more than worthy content, the decisions to leave them out allowed us to make more time for the exploration of key ideas and rich discussion, which in considering that we were shooting for an engaging and varied podcast I think proved to be the right idea.

The time we spent in Dan’s seriously cool studio producing the narration and conversation for the podcast was a really great experience as well – while I’ve had prior experience in recording studios along with my own sound engineering pursuits, this was largely a new experience for me as I’d not recorded material anything like that before. It was a fluid and enjoyable session that, again, felt natural and not even close to being tedious. I did learn some techniques from Dan’s wise wizardry with audio that I will definitely take with me into future sound endeavours.

So this all brought us to the final product, which I have to say I’m pretty damn proud of. We aimed to achieve professional quality not dissimilar to what you might hear in a RadioLab podcast, and I feel that we marked pretty close territory. While we may not have been able to integrate every aspect we initially had hoped for, I reflect totally fondly on the process – could not have asked for a more energetic, passionate and thoughtful group, so bless the both of youse Dan and Sal. I have a newfound obsession with podcasts after doing this and a whole new perspective on the way in which mediums inform and dictate the progression of society, and what more can you ask for really.

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