Week 5, Lectorial

We were properly introduced to the task of Project Brief #3 in this lectorial, which involves the marriage of both original recorded material and archival footage with the common goal of presenting a portrait of someone that we know. Given the past practical in which we were encouraged to explore the use of found footage, I am pretty nervous as that didn’t come together particularly well. Nevertheless, it sounds like an interesting task and the use of archival footage cooperatively with original material could make for a really interesting and layered portrait.

Given the chance to brainstorm our briefs, I particularly honed in on the obvious choice – good ol’ Mum, and immediately some plans came to mind as to how I could go about representing her. I feel that Mum is someone I know pretty darn well and could, more than anything, capture her essence well rather than her step-by-step history, which I feel is much more relevant with respect to the task.

The remainder of the lectorial was focused on the “practical” and “successful” ways to approach the reading of academic publications, with mention of techniques such as writing notes and highlighting as you read, skimming as a legitimate part of doing it ‘properly’ and the consideration of structure, which I found useful and suppose although it seemed fairly obvious I’d not really thought about as clearly before, so hopefully I can take some of these techniques and go and smash out some truly scholarly reading.

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