Week 5, Practical

Today we were to present our second project briefs to the class. In presenting mine, as I found with the previous project brief, I was clearly able to identify what aspects I was proud of and what I was not – that is, what I had put enough time into and what I clearly hadn’t. People seemed to accept and enjoy the experimental nature of mine which was comforting as I wasn’t really sure how people would receive it.

There was a lot of variety in the class and different ways that people approached the expression of their identities which was really interesting to see. It gave me a bunch of new perspectives surrounding how identity can be represented and as a result of this eclectic series of presentations I think I found the real value in the task, which for me is understanding that we have a separate individual identity to the identity that others apply to them, that is, we perceive ourselves differently to how others perceive us, and thus given the opportunity to creatively explore ourselves, we are given the opportunity to create something absolutely unique.

While it wasn’t perfect I am still proud of what I produced for this Project Brief and hope to continue to produce even better material as the course continues.

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