Week 4, Practical

In class today we found ourselves with the task of piecing together an edit out of public domain archival footage in the form of a short video to convey a certain idea/theme. I was given ‘movement’ for the exercise, and so began trawling through the masses of freakishly obscure footage in attempt to find an abstract way to represent movement.

I considered making the video a representation of the progression into the modern use and reliance on technology for movement, beginning with people walking and slowly moving into footage of the use of locomotives and automobiles with the intention that I could link them via graphic consistency. I found it difficult in the time however to find appropriate footage so I wasn’t ultimately able to piece together anything I feel is worth posting.

I did enjoy this class as I haven’t found any prior to be as hands on as this one was, and it gave me a chance to experiment with iMovie which I probably wouldn’t have done in my free time. If I can organise myself properly hopefully I can navigate Adobe Premiere for the third project brief and will be able to appropriately manipulate found footage to enhance the project.

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