16/3/15 – Week 3, Practical

In presenting my lo-fi media self-portrait I was able to understand what I was somewhat proud of and what I hadn’t put enough effort into by what I preceded each artefact with – whether I merely presented it for what it was and explained the intention behind it or whether I talked it down to lower everyone’s expectations. This helped me decide that I need to present my artefacts to someone before I go ahead and submit it to ensure that I am proud of them and don’t dread presenting them.

As I did present the aspects that I was proud of I noticed a theme of nostalgia surrounding them that I hadn’t consciously included. This seemed to be something that I naturally worked with well and have a connection with so it’s looking like it’ll be the main theme I run with for my second project brief.

We also began looking at editing and producing simple edits, reminding me that I need to acquire an editing platform with more capabilities than iMovie.

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