Week 1, Connections

This week, while particularly heavy on introductory information and basics, had me thinking about the nature of blogging and its potential as a means of connecting people. I’m completely new to blogging and have never been particularly been obsessed with any blogs (still yet to submit to the wonders of tumblr), nor have I previously acknowledged why they may be so easy to obsess over. The idea of collective masses honing in on someone’s life simply to keep updated on their day-to-day activities always seemed to be fairly bizarre to me.

But maybe that’s the charm of it all. It takes some pretty impressive networking and social skills to be able to accumulate a mass interest in content that would generally be mundane to most. People are drawn to things that they can relate to; seeing things they can recognise through a different scope. Blogs, I feel, are one of the most personalised and humanised forms of media, as they tend to be without agenda and simply cater to whoever is genuinely interested or entertained. They’re not monitored by media moguls or conglomerates, they’re created by people, for people.

Hopefully through creating and maintaining this blog I will be inspired to follow a number of blogs that catch my interest and consider creating more of my own to connect with more likeminded people.

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