10/3/15 – Week 2, Lectorial

This week’s prominent discussion revolved around the concept of ‘noticing’, with particular emphasis on the media’s intangibility and ubiquitous presence around us. As a result, we were shuffled off to Melbourne Central in groups to notice the instances of media occurring around us and list them, which to me seemed fairly pointless but a decent opportunity to meet some new people.

As the group of us sat at Melbourne Central we rapidly listed the examples around us; the sounding of mobile notifications, the brand names upon the chests of the hurried masses. We quickly discovered that this was an extremely simple task – which made it all the more interesting. The fact that we were so easily able to identify such a large quantity of instances of media occurring around us indicated the dependency of modern societal function on the use and presence of media. While this isn’t a difficult concept to grasp, it’s quite astounding to really think about and recognise. Well, at least for me.

And hey, actually met some people, so certainly can’t complain about the task.

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