Week 3, Lectorial

This week we were given three separate presentations from guest speakers, the first being Anne Lennox who spoke to us about copyright. This was quite thorough and insightful, touching on many different areas of the topic such as fair dealings and rights of ownership, and it was relevant information for us to be considering as budding media industry professionals. It switched me on to the thought that perhaps it is worth pursuing copyright for some of my musical material.

Next up Kyla Brettle, who interestingly works with sounds, served a hot dish of wisdom or two – one gem I found to be of particular note was that we aim to “become one” with the technology that we use rather than to simply manipulate it, forcing us to engage more with what we’re doing in order to reach new worlds.

Finally, Paul Ritchard gave us the rundown of what’s expected of us within the course, largely focusing on the essentiality of organisation in media practice, which is absolutely something I need to work on. While I tend to conduct myself well on set and during production, it’s the pre-planning stages that I often suffer with so that’s something I hope to exercise and develop throughout the course.

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