3/3/15 – Week 1, Lectorial

Similarly, I experienced my first ‘lectorial’ today – RMIT’s valiant attempt at integrating Newspeak into modern society. It honestly seemed to lean towards being a lecture more than a tutorial and I hope that isn’t so much the case in future ones, it did get to the point where if it weren’t for a camera shutter sound effect on a nearby phone somewhat awkwardly sounding mid-lecture I could very well have descended into a deep slumber.

In studying the reading regarding the cognitive modes of Hyper and Deep attention published by N. Katherine Hayles I was reminded of my typically erratic and distracted approach to study and made the decision to commit to more regular general reading in attempt to introduce more deep attention into my study habits. As I thought of this however I realised all of the mediums of media that I frequently and naturally do commit deep attention to – listening to music, reading into/watching material of particular interest across the internet, editing/producing audio and film, realising that these are each a result of commitment to routine and that I’m willing to deeply attend to them as I would consider them hobbies.

So the crux of it all is that I’ll hopefully condition myself to include more reading into my routine and be able to effectively and quickly read through material without taking regular banana/music/pointless-persistent-pacing-to-avoid-responsibilities breaks.

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