2/3/15 – Week 1, Practical

This marks my debut into blogging territory. Admittedly I dwelt on the layout and colour schemes for far too long before settling on themes not far from the default but you know, I’m serious about first impressions. That being said, I can’t say I’m a fan of how restrictive WordPress is in its layout options, I guess more than anything that just comes down to me not knowing how to operate the thing well enough but I’m gonna go ahead and blame WordPress.

We were introduced to our first project brief – a lo-fi media self-portrait – along with a couple of examples that frankly seemed pretty pretentious and unsubstantial to me. But maybe that’s the point, still trying to work it all out to be honest. Being a messily eclectic person anything I do will probably turn out extremely cluttered and just full of junk, but hey, maybe that runs with the lo-fi theme of it all. Hopefully I can put something together that I don’t lose sweat over and don’t regret later on down the line (it wouldn’t be the first time).

With all that being said, looking forward to what’s in store for the rest of the term! Keen to make some cool things.

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