Time and Passion

I wish media projects wouldn’t take so much time to complete! I am keen to make more short clips and interesting content in the future for my Church and other places, but the obstacle I always come up against is time! It’s like, ‘Oh I’ve got a great idea for my next project!’ And then as the excitement resides a little it’s then that I remember… ‘Dang, that’s gonna take ages to make.’


But, I think I’m finding that the more I do it, the better I become, and also the quicker that I get at producing, editing, and completing. I guess it’s similar to so much in life, practice makes you better. The more familiar you come to your equipment and editing techniques, the easier each project will become.


I reckon it all comes down to passion. Passion is where your project begins and ends. If you don’t have passion for what you are doing, it’s gonna be a chore. But if you do have passion, you will put in the work to get the result you are after. We need passion to persevere! Steve Jobs talks about passion in the realm of internet companies, and I think it relates to media production too:


It’s hard to tell with these Internet startups if they’re really interested in building companies or if they’re just interested in the money. I can tell you, though: If they don’t really want to build a company, they won’t luck into it. That’s because it’s so hard that if you don’t have a passion, you’ll give up.


Very true.

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