Film-TV2- Analysis/Reflection 1 – Question 2

In 200 words or less please outline your goals, desires – what you want to get out of this semester. You will review this later in the course. Many will rethink this dramatically by the end of the course – this is a good thing. 

Not many moments can surpass sitting in a cinema theatre filled with people and watching them react to something that you’ve created. Having learnt from the successes and mistakes of our film in Film/TV1, this semester I’d like to put my knowledge into practice to again create something to be proud of and that people enjoy, but that’s also refined in technique and construction. In terms of the subject of the documentary this course is built around, I hope to choose something interesting and that I may not have much knowledge about, so that the process is as intriguing for me as it is for the viewer. Through the production groups it will be nice to interact with new people as we work collaboratively to build an understanding of documentary through knowledge and experiences in the course.

Building on Film/TV1 I’d like to continue my development of the key features of professional film and television production, this time specifically in documentary. Individually this would include continuing to enhance my technical skills in terms of filming, having been producer last semester, I’d like to have more of an opportunity to deal on the technical side of shooting. From an analytical side I aspire to develop my ability to analyse documentary programs as a practice and how to apply that knowledge to my own work and others. Also to keep building my ability to direct and evaluate my own learning through outlets such as the course readings and analysis/reflection tasks, in helping to identify and solve problems relevant to my media practice. And finally to have fun and enjoy the whole process because before you know it twelve weeks are gone.

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