Thomas Hatchman – RMIT University S3381278
Integrated Media: Participation Contract – Week: 2
Review and Reflection:
Name: Thomas Hatchman – Student Number: S3381278
Teacher: Hannah
1. Taking time to do research outside of class time.
Measure – Spend two hours per week conducting research outside of class time using online resources and looking at other Korsakov projects, to enhance my creative learning.
Review & Reflection: Throughout this Week, I spent most of my time looking and researching different Korsokow films. I wanted to gain more of an understanding about how the software works and also develop my creative learning abilities. During this time, I happened to come across an amazing piece of work done by students from 2012. This particular project was of interest to me, because it happens to use similar themes to that of this week’s task, light. Bright Splinters is mainly a black and white film, but uses colour in a creative and abstract like form. Through its intricate use of shape and light as its main source, this film defines a sense of urgency and haste. It uses cleverly crafted static frames to draw the audience into its moving observational portraits.
I scored myself an 8/10 for this particular task, as I believed I did well to do some research into how Korsakow works as well as look at some of the other students work for previous years.
2. Complexity and depth shown through analysis/summarizing of prescribed readings.
Measure – Two hours taking notes each week through summarizing set readings.
Review & Reflection: Like most of my subjects for this course, I was required to read this week’s reading. I found the article very interesting, and learnt a lot about the growth of Interactive Documentaries.
My Brief Summary:
The required reading for this week, “Interactive Documentary, Setting the Field”, mainly talks about two practice-based researchers Aston and Gaudenzi, who both work in the area of interactive documentary. They are also two of the key people behind the very active and significant I-docs project.
This article looks closely at development and progression of I-Docs and how they evolved. It also focuses on the rapid growth of the interactive documentary world. Through this case study the reader is introduced to the study of this type of filmmaking and how it relates to the overall significance of the documentary genre. It also explains what these types of documentaries (I-Docs) are, where they actually came from, and what they could contribute to the world moving forward.
I scored myself a 7/10 for my efforts around this week’s reading. I read the entire reading and actually really enjoyed it. I did the required task and it didn’t even take me the whole 2 hours to read so I was pleased that I was able to it read reasonably quickly.
3. Collaboration of creative ideas and ability to use Korsakov Software.
Measure – Throughout the week record 5 x 10second videos for Korsakov, and spend 20minutes per week researching creative ideas for future projects.
Review & Reflection: This particular task required me to take other videos of interest for Korsakov experimentation. I can safely say that I did take other videos for creative purposes and they can be seen on this blog. I tried to be creative as possible with these videos, and all my videos for that matter. Overall I’m pleased with my efforts for this task. I didn’t specifically record how long I spent looking for new ideas for future projects, but I’m most certain that it was longer than 20minutes. During this time I did some research and continued looking at the Korsakow website for brainstorming purposes.
A particular video that I would like to mention which influenced my creative ideas, was by a group of students from last year called “Autumn Sky”. This korsakow film cleverly uses pattern, symmetry and natural light to depict the season of Autumn. I really like this film because of it’s natural and harmonious components.
I scored myself an 8/10 because I took time to make other videos and go beyond what was required. I also continued to develop my creative thinking and further my exploration of ideas.
4. Contribution to class/group discussions and designated team projects.
Measure – Contribute regularly to class discussions at least once per class and to meet with group members one hour per week to work on designated group activities.
Review & Reflection: Unfortunately, I was unable to make class this week. Due to this, I haven’t been able to contribute to class discussion. I would however consider myself a valuable team member when it comes to collaborative group work. This week’s contribution was out of my control due to a medical appointment. I will work on improving this throughout out the semester, as it is a crucial part of learning and engaging with the courses material.
I scored myself a 0/10 because I was unable to attend class this week and therefore couldn’t contribute to class like I would have liked. I would have also like to have discussed the topics in class with other members on my table. I think communicating and sharing ideas is very important for your overall learning.
5. Ability to take notes and list further areas of concern through using class time and personal time effectively and efficiently.
Measure – Have clear evidence of written entries for areas of concern. These entries have either been taken during or outside class time, for sections of the course that I found, interesting, were unfamiliar with, or that required further exploration.
Review & Reflection: Despite again not being able to make class this week, I still took time to make notes outside of class. Through my exploration of the course’s material, I began researching different korsakow films and tried to familiarize myself with the terminology used to describe these types of interactive projects. As such, I found myself trying to work out if there was a constant, or familiar theme, pattern, or structure amongst the vast collection of korsakow films that are presented.
It was only from further exploration that I could safely say that there is. Most of these films have been built on a linear media platform that collects and distributes visual information into separate components for interpretation. They are as I see them, an interactive variation of events and sequences that have been physically separated into portraits, but are spiritually, emotionally or visually connected in some way.
I scored myself an 8/10 because I did choose to make notes outside of class. I worked on areas I was unfamiliar with, and also areas I knew nothing about. There were areas of concern and I did choose to act on them as best as I knew how.