Category: Thinking In Fragments

new year new studio new media

In the first class of this new studio I found myself thinking more about the overall discipline of media- continuing on from this analysing screen media and internet spaces. It got me thinking, and analysing things a bit deeper, something I haven’t done for about three months at this point. I am excited to get back into things, and explore the various facets of new media, screen media and the seemingly never ending vastness of the internet.

Continuing on from this, I am going to discuss the web series God Particles from Leland Montgomery, which originally broadcasted on Vimeo. My knowledge of web series is fairly limited. I have managed to stumble across a few, such as Leftovers which was produced by RMIT students. Regardless, God Particles was produced for the internet, and in my opinion, with the internet in mind. This series has four parts, each part featuring a different protagonist. The overriding theme for the web series is people facing the end of the world, each episode examining how each character deals with their limited days. Like most web series, God Particles has an inherent light and comedic aspect, making it more consumable on the internet. At the same time however, the show does have dark which is almost unavoidable as the characters are facing the end of the world. Dark sarcasm and self deprecating humour are both prevalent within the show- both of which are  undeniably omnipresent on the internet.

The form of God Particles, being non linear, definitely feels like a product of the internet. The short length of each episode, and the fact that it is only four parts is relevant to the Internet. I think that the highly consumed web series are shorter, lighter and therefore more consumable. I believe that a large part of the internet is about escapism- getting away from the reality of everyday life and essentially escaping ones problems. Another aspect of the series that I believe makes it a product of the internet is the uniqueness of it. As the internet is a place where anyone can produce anything, it allows for great creative freedom.

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the first class

I already feel as though what I have previously known to be true has been questioned within this first class. How I continue to learn and what I understand will change, and I know that. How it will change, however, I do not know. There is an influx of information currently, an ‘economy of excess’. And with that comes a mass of conflicting and juxtaposing information and opinions. I need to learn to develop a way of criticising and understanding information, to view it objectively for what it is. I have realised that sometimes I just take in information without truly understanding it. I take things for granted. A greater understanding of the world I live in will reflect on my skills as a media practitioner.