feedback, evaluation, thoughts

Today, we received feedback on our soundscapes. It was interesting and helpful to listen to the soundscapes other students had created. The brief had a certain ambiguity to it, which allowed for an extent of creative freedom that was evident in the works.

On reflection, I wish that we had been more experimental and manipulated more aspects of the soundscape. In particular, we could have utilised the voice aspect of the soundscape more. I suppose we wanted to juxtapose the monotonous voice with the locale sound. Moreover, we wanted each to hold equal ground and meaning as it is an ontography, and we believed a more monotonous voice carried this notion.

The main aspects of the feedback were the voice and the pace. The aspect we found most interesting when reviewing the feedback, was that people both liked and disliked both the tone of voice and the pace. One review mentioned that they liked the pace but then suggested that we mix up the pace. I suppose that is the nature of opinion and feedback, it is extremely subjective.

image: Jim Soliven



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