If you are doing a Media Studio you will require a Media Factory Blog
To get one please fill out this Form.
Please read the instructions carefully.
When the form is filled out we’ve got to convert it to a spreadsheet then upload it to the blog creationist site then you will get an email with a username and password.
Once created you should receive a notification email. Sometimes this may go into your junk mail so please check that regularly.
This might take a few days. Don’t let this delay stop you writing. Write somewhere else then upload it your blog when you receive it.
If you didn’t get an email invite to your blog or you have lost your password:
- Go to Lost password link – https://www.mediafactory.org.au/wp-login.php?action=lostpasswordLinks to an external site.
- Enter your University email address
- Click Get New Password.
The individual web pages, blogs, comments and contents located here form part of the research and teaching undertaken by staff and students in the RMIT University Bachelor of Communication (Media) program. All material here is attributable to its specific author/s and is not authorised, and in no way necessarily reflect the views of the University, teaching staff, or the program.
Material is expected to comply with appropriate legal and ethical standards of practice for online media, and Australian law. If not your blog will be taken down