Studio allocation (Sem 1, 2015) for Media 3 and Media 5

We’ve now completed the studio allocation process. I’ve attached a copy of the complete studio allocation document for you to download: Media Studios allocation_18 Feb_v2 (this has a minor update from the previous version in terms of the location of one class for Paul Ritchard’s The Scene in Cinema 2 – nothing else has changed).

Let me know if you are missing from the list – I’ve cross-checked with current enrolments in Media 3 and 5 so hopefully all are accounted for. The list includes class times and room locations.

This information has also been sent to RMIT Timetabling who have kindly agreed to pre-enter it before STS (the timetable system) opens this Friday morning. All going well, when you enter STS you won’t need to enter your Media 3 or 5 studio times – they will already be there as per the attached sheet.  This will ease the process and help prevent clashes with any classes you are selecting in relation to your major and electives. (If they aren’t pre-filled aren’t don’t panic, just timetable your other courses keeping your allocated studio times in mind).

Thanks for your patience and understanding as we implement the new program structure and slightly different ways of doing things. We hope this pays off in terms of an enjoyable and challenging (in the best sense) semester ahead.

UPDATE – I will build some FAQs here for questions that a few of you might be asking.


1. The days and times on the read-only STS now seem a lot different than those on the allocation document?

Quite right – these are being updated. The times on allocation document are the correct ones and will appear correctly when STS opens on Friday.

2. I’ve got an elective clash now – what do I do?

There will be a very small number of you who may find you now have a clash with, perhaps, an elective lecture. (There should be no clashes with majors lectures or screenings). Unfortunately, we can’t not do anything about such clashes. They are impossible for us to prevent. You will have to change your elective this semester as soon as you can – your core Media courses come first. Choices of electives are always contingent and can’t unfortunately be guaranteed. Just remember that often you can pick them up at a different stage of your degree.

3. Which of the two times is the lecture and which is the tutorial?

Neither!  This is the thing about the studio model we have moved to …  it is much more fluid and flexible for us in terms of what we do and want to achieve than the 1 x lecture ‘n 1 x tutorial model for 12 weeks that we have used in the past (and some of your other courses will still follow). So, some weeks in a studio we will have a lecture or a mini-lecture while in other we’ll just be working on projects, presenting your work, constructively critiquing others’ work or visiting a relevant site or some other scheduled activity. Some studios might have something like a lecture for just the first four weeks. We think a lot of (assessable) project work should be done inside studio time which makes a lot of sense given the collaborative nature of media. All this will be completely at the discretion of the studio leader. All you need to know is that we’ll expect you to be there for those 5 hours per week (remember it is a 24 point course – twice as much work as a 12 point one). These are face-to-face courses.