
Editing: In progress

I am getting to the end of my editing process. I am a little behind schedule as I hope to finish off most of it today and to only have a couple touch ups to do up and till Friday. However I’m a little under the weather and its definitely taking a toll.

I am still thinking of cutting the piece down. The voice over is in a poem style and has a rhythm to it that fits to the mellow music. With the music it was hard to find the right balance because I didn’t want it to be melodramatic or sad or upbeat but somewhere in between. The music from my main inspiration (see below) was definitely a bit more sad than I would want my piece to be but it was a good starting point.

Inserting the photos into the video has given it more texture. Some of the stop motion isn’t perfect and as smooth as the other parts however I do prefer it with some flickering and jagged movements.

I’m not entirely sure how to end it right now, originally I had it to go in reserve down the hallway with the credits rolling. However I have changed the script and need to see if that still works.

There are still some parts of the voice over I might change tomorrow because its not always correlating with whats on the screen.

Getting to the last week of the project I’ve been reflecting more and more on the process. I definitely feel that it was something completely new for me and I’m glad that I tried it. I think my planning stage should have been more thorough though because I felt that I could have threaded more of the themes into the story using motifs, objects, metaphors etc.

Here was my main inspiration:


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