Jumping back a few weeks ago when Abigail Belfrage come into the class to help us individually with our projects was very helpful. She really went above and beyond to try make sure we were hitting every possible avenue for researching which is really great.
Some of the avenues that I have been researching in:
Melbourne Uni Archives
Being searching through political organisations she was involved in and looking at which organisations would be creating information about her.
– Women’s Social and Political Union, Women’s Political Association, Victorian Socialist Party, militant Women’s Peace League
NAA – National Archive
Women’s Political Association – Naturalisation (Documents)
Victorian Socialist Party – reportage documents
Women’s Peace Army (1915 -1916)
– Found records however not of her just of people who were affiliated with her – however this can still be useful as records when talking about the groups she was affiliated with
Women’s petition – document
People who have written extensively about the socialist groups and movements
– Jeff Sparrow, Stuart McIntyre
Prison record – still to follow up on
The Australian women register
ADB – Australian dictionary biography – has a brief biography about her
Criminal Record Office – photos of her under surveillance
– very limited but a great photo

Jennie Baines by Criminal Record Office <http://www.npg.org.uk/collections/search/person/mp58989/jennie-baines>
*To keep in mind that Suffragette was a British term and that Australian documents might not have used this term