Augmenting Creativity Blog post #4

In week 4 we took a look at voices and how to use voice in the ai. It was an interesting topic because speech may give AI interactions a powerful new dimension that makes them seem more engaging and natural. Still, I feel conflicted about it. On the one hand, I think there’s room for more immersive experiences, particularly in creative endeavours where voice delivery and tone can make a big difference in the message. That being said, I’m not totally sure how authentic it will seem or how easily it can be absorbed. A part of me worries about the limitations and moral ramifications of employing voices produced by AI, particularly in terms of preserving uniqueness and authenticity.

We also spoke briefly about assessment 2. Which will be all about ai. I’m pretty nervous to be creating a video with only ai. It’s unsettling to consider that something as intricate and imaginative as a video may be created entirely with AI techniques. Although I am aware of AI’s enormous potential and how it may expedite many areas of the creative process, I find it unsettling to think that technology will have such complete control over my creative process. I’m concerned about if the finished result will accurately represent my idea and whether I’ll be able to direct the AI to create something that seems genuine and intimate. But I also see this as a chance to stretch myself and pick up new skills. Accepting AI could lead to the development of new abilities and the opening of previously unconsidered creative opportunities. I’m excited to see how AI may be utilised as a tool to augment creativity rather than to replace it, even though I’m nervous about the task. I think that this assessment will help me become a more flexible and adaptive creator in the long run by evaluating how effectively I can match my artistic intuition with the capabilities of AI.

Overall, I’m feeling really good about what’s been going on in media 4. My peers and teacher are helping wherever they can, and I am a lot less nervous than I was to start the semester and have definitely got a grasp on what’s happening and what’s going to happen next.

Augmenting Creativity Blog post #3

In this week of augmenting creativity, we focused a lot on the assessment that was due at the end of the week and really focused on how we were going to execute the assessment perfectly. Daniel was able to come around and speak to all of us on where we were up to and where we were headed in our assessment.

For my assessment due on Friday the 10th of August. I am choosing to do facial recognition for our everyday Ai aspect. I was able to speak to peers as well as Daniel where I was able to get good feedback on where to start on the assessment and where I was headed in the particular direction where I wanted to go. I have been working on my assessment throughout the week and will be ready to submit on Friday. We talked about how to upload the assessment and were given a lot of tools to be able to finish up the assessment as well. This included looking at different examples of the assessment and looking at previous reflections from past students. We spoke about how a critical reflection looks like and how it should be set out.

We spoke about where we are headed in on next week’s criteria. Which included talking about ‘love the machine’ and how we will be looking at working with ai and different tools in assessment two. We also spoke about how we will be working with concept development and production on assessment two. In assessment two the whole production will be Ai generated which scares me a bit because working with Ai can be a bit difficult because ultimately you are relying on a machine to do the work and creativeness for you rather than yourself but it should be okay because we will be working on it a bit in class and I will be able to gather insight from Daniel as well as peers. We talked a bit on an exhibition that we will be exploring and able to have a look at after the mid semester break which will help us with assessment four which should be good.

Overall, I am feeling pretty good about assessment two and happy with the direction I am going with the overall vibe of the studio. I’m still finding it pretty difficult to wrap my head around most of the Ai stuff but I do prefer a challenge over something too easy.

Augmenting Creativity Blog post #1

As I missed the first week of augmenting creativity I had to learn from classmates and Daniel about the first week in the second week which was fine, and I was able to get a good and almost better insight that what I would’ve gotten if I hadn’t asked for any help or assistance. As everyone I had spoken to knew what I needed to know for this blog post it was easier gaining their insight about the programming and media four overview.

Looking at ‘Le wagon’ did hurt my brain a bit but it was good to look at the different types programming factors that we would be using in this class. The complexity of Le Wagon is something I can see myself struggling with if we are having to use it for future assessments, which I have read onto the course and am going to assume that we are going to code and learn JavaScript. As for JavaScript I feel like that is something that will be more understanding in my brain as I have lingered around the program before for other classes. Le wagon seems to be something of interest to other students and the class so I can see where other people found it and how they will be using it for future projects/ assessments for this course. But overall, I wasn’t the biggest fan of Le wagon and found it extremely difficult to use. Weather that be because I wasn’t in the classes for the first week and had to learn the program on my won in the second week is a high chance and possibility.

What I am hoping to gain out of this class is an overview on everyday ai and how it’s the new everyday life aspect that we are going to have to take into account with jobs and now that everyone is using it, I want to learn the fine line between different types of copyright especially with ChatGPT. I am excited to learn more about this media studio especially with each assessment rolling around quicker every week. This is definitely a newer concept in my mind, and it will be interesting to see how far my interest and knowledge of Gen Ai will go throughout the twelve weeks. The different types of development in Ai also sparks my interest especially the ones that we see on the news talking about jobs and how this type of Ai will be able to take over jobs in the next 15 or so years. Overall I am liking this class already and we are only in the second week as I’m learning something that seems to be more prevalent and useful that I would’ve thought coming into the class.

Augmenting Creativity Blog post #2

In week 2 of Media 4 Augmenting Creativity, we played around with Leonardo AI and were set different prompts to make up with different settings involved. I found this exercise to be really fun and different than what we had been doing previously. It was my first time on Leonardo Ai and definitely will not be my last. I learnt that this tool is able to do so much with the different settings and how many photos you can get out of each prompt.

The subjects that’s seem to generate clearly was the self-portrait. I was easily able to explain what I looked like without having to generate any images. It did take a few different tries and tweaking, but I started off generally explaining what I looked like and what I was wearing on this day. This took me to a very older version of the person I was describing where I had to then make myself eighteen rather than twenty-one which seemed to have worked better.






The prompts that were able to work best were the prompts that required to be more creative. This included making a Media 4 poster that looked more futuristic without me having to put the words ‘futuristic’ in the prompt. This probably comes from the word ‘media’ Ai has sensed that it’s a futuristic term.It’s quite fascinating how whenit comes to the different prompt categories Leonardo ai was able to do a better job at adding in people with different ethnicities and gender. Ai is being able to be unbiased when I wrote the prompt of a media 4 poster. I didn’t have to type into the prompt to add different people of different races and gender. Leonardo ai was able to make a poster without a human having to directly say that only one type of person can do a media 4 course.






The moments of frustration with Leonardo ai were when I wasn’t able to get the settings right and had to ask for help but once I found out what frame and preset, I needed to use things went pretty well. I also enjoyed having a go with the different types of vibes I could

go for, being an abstract or a HD image I was happy to see that I could still write in the same prompt and get a different image considering on this one feature. One of my biggest challenges was the square for social media. I feel like this wasn’t one of my favourites and I played with it quite some bit. Regarding its abstract style I used this because all of the others didn’t seem appropriate to use due to it not looking like it would fit on an Instagram feed per say.

Overall,  I had a lot of fun trying to figure out Leonardo Ai, it was definitely a good classroom experience because we were all sharing and talking about the different types of people we looked like in prompt 1 and how they looked so different to us and we could definitely laugh about it.