Augmenting Creativity Blog post #11

In this week of augmenting creativity we started off on the Monday talking a lot about the upcoming assessment and how we were all travelling along with recording dates and whereabouts everyone was up to. My group and I decided to stay back on Monday afternoon after class so that we would be able to finalise where each other were up to and be ready to record the next day. Overall, I feel pretty overwhelmed with the number of assessments that I had that were due this week and the next but because we have worked so hard and made up our timeline for assessment 4 it seemed a bit easier because I knew when things needed to be due by.

The day that we recorded, everything went smoothly but one of our group members called in sick, so we had to do most of the recordings just two members. We communicated properly and made sure we still were equalling out the major assessment. It was decided that the member who called in sick for the audio piece recording day would take on more of the special effects/ai roles. This decision was done quick and smoothly with everyone’s best intentions. It took about three hours to record our segment. We were able to get everything we needed within the time frame and getting a podcast suite was a great idea from Dan.

We spoke about assessment 5 and how revisiting research would help us with the critical essay/reflection. We spoke about how research led practise was the way to go as it’s known as ‘good research’. The idea of maintaining a thesis was highly relevant as well, as that’s something I will continue to work on up to the submission on the 27th of October.  Overall, I am feeling really confident in my groups work and not worried about the submission date as we will be ready to submit by next Monday, a couple of days before the due date. My group and I have worked extremely hard in this assessment both creatively and technically. It is always hard with group assessments, because everyone always is juggling so much as a university student and just being able to communicate that to one another is very helpful and that is what me and my group have done to be able to stick to the timeline and submit this assessment on time.

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