We are in week 10 or augmenting creativity and throughout these ten weeks I have struggled a lot more than I thought I would. The whole process of ai still jumbles my head and feels too futuristic for me to get my head around. These 10 weeks have absolutely flown by, and I feel like I have learnt so much more than I anticipated. My classmates have been a big part of my learning, seeing how creative they are each week with different assessments has definitely helped me going and helped me get to the 8:30 am classes too. I have thoroughly enjoyed these last 10 weeks, and I have enjoyed seeing myself grow with my ai and computer skills. As we are still working on our major project and exhibition I have reflected back on these last 10 weeks and remind myself how lost I was at the first assessment and would find myself staring at my computer for hours just so I could start the assessment. Knowing that the use of ai would be in it just rattled my brain but now I am able to do 10x than what I did in the first assessment, and I am proud of myself for that.
This week we gradually improved our plan for our major work and exhibition. We changed ideas slightly as the group decided that it would be better/ more interesting if we didn’t make it visual and challenged ourselves with the audio ai that we weren’t so familiar with. the decision to do this came as a group decision and instead of doing a 60s theme game show we decided to do a car radio were someone was switching through the channels with a dark undertone to the whole thing. I won’t spoil what we have cooking but it’s very nineteen eighty-four book vibes. Overall, we are going along good with splitting up the work and what works best for people. We have booked a studio to record at next week and are excited to put it all together.
Next week things will ramp up dramatically as everyone in my group has many other assessments due at the same time and same day as this one. As a group we have decided to submit and fully complete it a couple of days before its due as this works best for everyone and will help our stress tremendously.